Thursday, November 27, 2014

happy thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  I hope you have much to be thankful for this year and many loved ones to share the day with. It doesn't hurt if there's some amazing food or fiercely competitive family games either, as long as no one gets hurt.  :-)

What are you up to on this lovely day? Traveling? Hosting family?  We had Casinelli family Thanksgiving last Sunday (where ravioli is enjoyed right alongside the turkey!) and now we've made our way down to Durango for Thanksgiving Hardy-style.  This means we will be enjoying the Nebraskan delicacy of strawberry jello with marshmallows with a side of fierce family bowling competition.  What are your unique Thanksgiving traditions?

I have so much to be grateful for this year! Since last Thanksgiving, Kyle and I moved into our first home, we were able to enjoy the company of  many of our loved ones at our wedding, and I have taken the first big steps towards launching my dream business, Long Ago Love.

It's so easy to get caught up in how busy things have been!  Do you ever have that issue?  Today, I'm going to slow down and take the time to really enjoy spending time with family and making memories.  What are you thankful for this year? How are you celebrating today? I'd love to hear!

Have a safe holiday and thanks for taking the time to stop by and chat!  :-)

Image via Rifle Paper Co

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