Tuesday, November 18, 2014

a huge thank you!

I just wanted to thank everyone for being so supportive of my big announcement yesterday.  This is a dream I've been holding on to for a long while now and I'm so excited to finally be taking the leap!

Any feedback, thoughts, or questions are welcome--I'd love to hear from you! This would be impossible to do without the love and support of the people in my life.  You are truly the best.  :-)

P.S. - something to make you smile, courtesy of the ever-fun Ben and Bonnie--nominated as cutest couple of the year, proven kitty lovers, and henceforth known as "Bonjamin." Meeting adjourned. :-)

Image via: Rifle Paper Co.

1 comment:

  1. Who voted on cutest couple??
    And I think Ive seen that video like 10 times, and Im totally watching it again right now. Just admit you are a little bit of a cat lady now. Kitty agrees. :)
