Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Long Ago Love New Website Launch!

Welcome! I’m so glad you're here so I can finally share what I've been working on behind the scenes for a while now:

I am so excited to announce the official launch of Long Ago Love's new website! Longagolove.com is live and ready to be explored.

Our goal is for this to be a space where you can easily access our social media (the blog, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram), learn about the services we offer, check out our ever-growing rental decor inventory, and connect with us!

I want it to be tool for us to share all the exciting developments going on at Long Ago Love and for you to share back!  I can't wait to share with you as we roll out new blog content, fun vintage finds, and plenty of the events we are so excited to be a part of.

I’m so happy to be here--it's such a fun space, and that the focus is simplicity and ease of use.  My goal  is to make it easier for you to find things--as always, I welcome any feedback you might have to make it even better!

This marks a big day for Long Ago Love--thank you so much to everyone who has supported this venture with encouragement, referrals, and feedback.  It is amazing, and humbling, and inspiring. Every comment, share, like, and referral is helping Long Ago Love grow and reach more people. Thank you!

So take a moment to check it all out and come back often, because 2015 is going to be filled with adventure here at Long Ago Love--stay tuned!


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