Friday, December 5, 2014

lovely links

Happy Friday, my friends!  Do you feel ready for the whirlwind of the holidays?!  Less than three weeks to go.  Cue the excitement and maybe a smidge of anxiety--do you have any shopping left to do, gifts to wrap, or guests to prepare for?  I feel like I'm going to blink and it will be January already.

If you're the same way, don't forget to take a deep breath and savor little moments along the way. That's something I work on every day and it's hard!  Pinpointing your most important priorities can help.  It's possible to make your house a winter wonderland, go to three ugly sweater parties, send out 200 Christmas cards, host one side of the family for Christmas Eve, travel to celebrate with the other side of the family for Christmas Day, and throw a New Year's party--but you may drop from exhaustion and not wake up until the 4th of July.

Focus on what's truly important to you and make some amazing memories this year instead of running yourself ragged.  And remember that the more priorities you have, the more organized you need to be!

If you're feeling like you need a little stress relief or a five minute escape from whatever you're doing, here are some fun and interesting links from around the interwebs:

How baby giraffes sleep.
For any ballet lovers out there--my current favorite documentary on Netflix.
German breakfast is my favorite!
The truth about ladies' night out.
Models and their mamas.
hockey moment that made me smile.

Have a wonderful weekend!


1 comment:

  1. We don't have any guests, but definitely have a few presents left! The hardest thing is shoppping for your significant other when you have a joint checking, how do hide your gift if they can see where and how much you spent!
    Also is this your house in the picture? Its beautiful!

    Also favorite line from the onion story you posted: "Every time I turned around, left and right, there was somebody helping Karen to own the fuck out of the frustration she feels toward her fiancé."
