Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Big Talk: Budget

Okay, friends!  It's time for the big talk.  Maybe you're engaged right now (hooray--so exciting!).  Or maybe your thinking about getting engaged (a very quiet hooray! shhhhh...!).  Preparing for your wedding with the love of your life can be so. much. fun.  Think about it--you get to pick out your favorite music, your favorite foods, your favorite colors--all so that you can celebrate with your friends and family.  It's a beautiful thing.

As with most good things, there can be some challenges. For many couples, the hardest part to navigate is the financial aspect. Budget. It can be so hard to talk about money--to negotiate, to delegate, to compromise.  Often, multiple parties contribute to covering the cost of a wedding, which makes it even more complicated.  Determining who is covering what between parents, extended family, and and you as the couple can lead to some difficult conversations (because let's face it, talking money is just plain awkward).

I get budget questions from my couples all the time, and I've had a few special requests for a post that lays out some tips and tricks for making the most of your budget for the big day. So here it is--some frank (and hopefully helpful!) money talk.